Literacy Narrative

Little man on the wheel of history

        Do you know how ancestors communicated before they had an official accent? It’s a big challenge to talk with people who grow up in other countries and take English as a second language, because you may not understand their English pronunciation clearly. This also is a problem between people live in same country. I used to think why do people in two close regions speak the same language, but the language they said sounds like totally different two languages. In fact, if I could know more about historical population migration, it might not bother me for so long. Population migration is an important reason for producing dialects. Immigrants from different regions have different accents, and they may affect the overall accent of the region after many years. I have spent a lot of time looking for relevant content and examples in books. Those actions for finding truth from history largely made me fascinated by history.

        In my memory, my first contact with history was before I went to school. My father is a Chinese history fan. When I still can’t read smoothly, he often tells me some historical stories. I don’t remember what he said at the time, but I still remember that I liked those stories. However, as my father’s work became more and more busy, he told me fewer and fewer stories. Fortunately, my mother, who is very much attached to my enlightenment education, bought books and reads them with me together. Although many of the books are poems that she bought to me, I still draw a lot of historical common sense and allusions from them to my memory. I started to be interested in history.

        After I began my life in elementary school, my history study completed a milestone —- I started reading history textbooks. The school’s history book is systematic and easy to understand. It has greatly helped my childhood history study. At that time, the textbooks were basically Chinese history. Actually, the little brains of primary school students probably couldn’t remember so much knowledge as much as global history. The history of elementary school is a less important lesson, and most people learned that not serious. This has led me to be more isolated in the primary school life. I have tried to integrate into their lives, but I have failed. I can’t stand a group of people chasing a life of trouble. I have tried to integrate into their lives, but I have failed. I can’t stand a group of people chasing and fighting all day long or chatting with each other in every moment. I don’t know whether their topic can make a group of people chat all day, but I know that I have time to sit and keep my mind focus on studying my books along now.When history inspired my desire for knowledge, I knew I couldn’t stop reading or thinking again.

        After graduating from elementary school, I have been relatively passive to accept a history education for several years. From that time, I started collecting books in my visible range, not only historical books, but also some literary works and even some chart records (Actually, the charts were used for fun). I began to be proactive to read and seek what I wanted from the book. From slaves to emperors and from thatched cottages to shrines, I have seen many different people and things from books. Those ones have the glory like an emperor and also have bitterness like a pauper. As the scholar Nan Huai-Chin said: “Reading is for understand things”, I did learn a lot from books.

        In my second year of school, I met a friend who also loves history. However, he also has a good understanding for the history of foreign countries. After several exchanges with him, I also succeeded in moving my eyes from East Asia to the world. I started reading some topics that was more interesting to me, such as cultural conflicts and integration, etc. I also started to read some novels and play some exquisite text-based video games. I got a lot from them. I found wisdom and I also found the life that I never had. I am proud of the construction of the Great Wall and feel sorry for the destruction of House of Wisdom. I am impressed by the kindness of Florence Nightingale, and I am angry at the brutality of the Mongols. Reading has made me see a wider world.

        when I grow up, I came to America and went to high school. When I look back at the knowledge in the book from different perspectives, I have another feeling. This feeling is wonderful, as a line connected knowledge points which I learned in my life in series. I suddenly knew something, such as why we have war between human, and why people always believe in lies. I began to think more and think while studying. I’m not only thinking about what was written in the book, but also thinking about the ideas of the writer. Reading began to make me happy to think.

        Reading needs to be persisted, but it also will reward you a lot. When you was troubled, it brought you a solution to the problem. When you was confused, it brought you the determination to explore. “To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn”. It’s a sentence I forget where I saw that, but I know it accompany me in many decadent nights. I give it to you, and hope you could keep your dream with reading. Let’s read for a broader vision. Let’s read for richer wisdom. Let’s read for the gorgeous dreams.